Traglen Restaurant Cleaning Services Guarantee
If you’re not happy with the quality of our work, we don’t want you to pay.
We are absolutely committed to delivering the best restaurant cleaning, commercial kitchen cleaning and exhaust and ducting cleaning services in Australia.
Whether you own a restaurant, cafe, bar, club or hotel, we will get it cleaner than anyone else can.
We take photos of every cleaning job that we do, before and after, and provide those to you so you can see first-hand the difference we have made. Not just a wide angle picture of the kitchen, but close-ups of individual equipment, especially those areas that are a particular problem in your business.
If you have any concerns about the quality of the work we have done for you, then we want you to call us and let us know immediately.
We will happily discuss your concerns, and we will normally ask that you let us return to rectify any problems (usually within 24 hours). Of course you won’t pay anything extra for any additional work that we may have to do to fix the problem.
If you’re still unhappy, then we will not charge you for the clean at all.